Are You Relying On The Scale To Measure Your Fat Loss?

Does stepping on the scale have the potential to make or break your day?  If so, don’t do it (at least not everyday).

It's important to remember that the scale isn’t telling you the full story - it is a tool for measuring progress but it's not the only one - or even the best one when it comes to fat loss.

So many things can affect the number on the scale that have nothing to do with fat loss or gain - and that's what we’re really concerned with right?

A lot of the fluctuation you see on the scale - especially when you’re weighing daily - is water weight.  Things like how hydrated you are or aren’t, a big meal the night before, hormones, even whether or not you’ve gone to the bathroom can all affect that number - so try to take it with a grain of salt.


  • Just because the number goes up or down doesn’t mean you gained or lost fat.  Especially when it jumps overnight - that's water weight.

  • If you’re lifting weights you may be losing fats but gaining muscle and you just won’t be able to tell that by the number on the scale.

Instead, or maybe in addition to:

Take measurements - you can keep this simple and just measure your waist and hips or you can be like me and measure EVERYTHING - I wanted credit for every millimeter I lost ;-)

Take pictures - take one from the front, the side, the back and a headshot. If you can take these in the same outfit, and in the same spot it can really help you notice the difference.  

If you hate taking pictures (that was me!) remember this is for YOU!  You don’t ever have to show them to anyone if you don’t want to but you WILL want them for YOU - even if you don’t think you will now - trust me!

Go by how your clothes fit.  Pick something like a pair of jeans - even if you can’t quite get into them yet - notice how they fit and watch them fit better and better as you go along.  I had a pair of shorts that fit really tight at my highest weight.  It was motivating to try them on from time to time and watch them get looser - eventually I could put them on and take them off without unbuttoning them - that was really fun!

And don’t forget the NSVs (non- scale victories), all those successes that have nothing to do with the scale - these often end up being the most life changing in the long run.  Whether it is something like sleeping better, having more energy, less pain, not needing a seat belt extender on the airplane, reducing or getting off medication, having more stamina…notice these things and celebrate them!