How Comfortable Are You With Being Uncomfortable?

What do you do when you feel uncomfortable?

Most of us want to quit what we're doing and run in the other direction.

Being uncomfortable is....well, uncomfortable and we want to make it stop...

But the thing is if you want to change something you need to be willing to get a little uncomfortable.

That's just the nature of the beast, change is hard.

That's part of what makes weight loss so're making changes...changes to your diet...changes to your lifestyle...those are big ones.

That's gonna get uncomfortable sometimes. Your brain is gonna rebel, it's gonna want you to quit to keep you safe.

So many of us (this was so me too) tend to throw in the towel when it gets difficult...we start thinking "this must not be right..." "It shouldn't feel like this..." "why is this so hard for me...?"

That's your brain again, telling you stories to get you to stop, to go back to your comfort zone where it's safe and familiar... were miserable there...

To get out of that place you need to be willing to feel uncomfortable...know that it's temporary.

I always tell the women I work with to expect it and plan for it.

What will you do when it starts feeling hard? What will you tell yourself when your brain starts in with those stories trying to get you to quit? What's something you can anchor to to keep you on track?

Take it as a challenge.

Know that good things are waiting for you on the other side of discomfort. And you will feel stronger and more confident for having pushed through it!