Posts tagged Insulin Sensitivity
How I Reversed Insulin Resistance and Finally Lost Weight For Good (and kept it off for 12 years and counting...)

I remember standing in front of my closet just about in tears, a pile of clothes strewn across my bed. The outfit I had planned to wear to go out with my then boyfriend did NOT look the same on as it did when I pictured it in my head. I scrambled trying to find something else that would work - I really wanted to look cute, but by this point I had given up on that and was just trying to find an outfit that made me look less fat and hid the rolls around my belly and bra strap…

I was so frustrated and disgusted with myself that I didn’t even want to go out anymore…and now I had a big pile of clothes that I had to put away too…ARGH!…

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Okay, You're Insulin Resistant. Now What? (A Simple Starter Guide)

So, you've recently heard those words: "insulin resistant" or "prediabetic." Maybe you're feeling a little panicked, a little confused, or you might even feel a little relieved (like, "Aha! That explains so much!"). Whatever you're feeling, know that you're not alone. And more importantly, know that you can take control of your health and feel better.

I've been there. I remember the wave of confusion and worry. Insulin? Isn’t that something people with diabetes use? I had no clue what it meant to be insulin resistant, let alone what to do about it. My doctor's advice wasn't exactly helpful either (something along the lines of "lose weight and eat less sugar" – ok, but how??).

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How I Lost Weight With Insulin Resistance

So you've just been told that you’re insulin resistant or prediabetic - you might be feeling  overwhelmed, scared  and even a little defeated.  You might be wondering, does this mean I’m going to become a diabetic? How is this gonna affect my health? Does this mean I’m never gonna be able to lose weight?...I know I had a million thoughts like those going through my head when I first found out I was insulin resistant.

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