Posts tagged Weight loss
How I Lost Weight With Insulin Resistance

So you've just been told that you’re insulin resistant or prediabetic - you might be feeling  overwhelmed, scared  and even a little defeated.  You might be wondering, does this mean I’m going to become a diabetic? How is this gonna affect my health? Does this mean I’m never gonna be able to lose weight?...I know I had a million thoughts like those going through my head when I first found out I was insulin resistant.

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So You've Been Told That You're Insulin Resistant...Now What??

You’ve just been told that you’re insulin resistant or prediabetic. You’re feeling overwhelmed, confused and unsure of what to do next. Sound familiar?

A few years ago I was right where you are now, so I know firsthand how it feels, so my hope with this post is to offer you some practical information as well as hope as you navigate this journey - even if it feels like doom and gloom now - it doesn’t have to - there can be a light at the end of the tunnel.

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How To Lose Your First 10 lbs With Insulin Resistance

"Feeling tired all the time? Craving sugary snacks? Struggling to lose weight, no matter what you try? If this sounds familiar, you might be dealing with insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance can make it difficult to manage your weight and energy levels. The good news is that with the right approach, you can take control of your health, boost your energy levels, and get the scale moving in the right direction again.

Let’s explore some practical tips and strategies that can help you lose your first 10 pounds, get your energy back, and feel better overall. Let’s get started!

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Can I Lose Weight If I'm Insulin Resistant???

Have you recently been told you’re insulin resistant? If so you may be feeling scared and a little confused and overwhelmed.

I know that's how I felt. I had heard of insulin resistance but I had no clue what it was or what this meant for my life now.

My doctor wasn’t much help. She just said losing weight would help…ok, but how? She said well you can eat a little less and add some exercise - like I’d never tried that before….

So I went home wondering…what does this mean for my health? Does this mean I’m gonna be a diabetic soon? Does this mean I’m not ever gonna be able to lose weight?

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6 Things You Need To Know For Successful Weight Loss

Most of the weight loss advice that you get is usually focused around what to eat, what not to eat and how much exercise you should get, but while those are important aspects (exercise may not be as important for weight loss as we’ve been told…but that’s a post for another day), there is one piece of the puzzle that’s usually always missing – the mindset piece.

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Do You Need Another Diet?

“I want to lose weight, but I am so sick of trying and failing diet after diet”.

I hear this all the time and I felt that way too.

There is no shortage of weight loss advice out there and it can be hard to wade through it all and find something that actually works…

I can say one thing with a lot of certainty - you don’t need another diet…you’ve done that already…you know how that turns out.

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Stop Doing This If You Want Lasting Weight Loss

One of the biggest mistakes that I see women make when it comes to weight loss is eating too few calories…somewhere we got this idea into our heads that we need to be eating 1200 calories or less to be able to lose weight. And quite frankly that's bullshit!

1200 calories/day on a regular basis is just too low for most adults (see chart here)

Yes, you can lose weight that way…temporarily…

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“It's really hard to lose weight when I’m hungry all the time!”

“It's really hard to lose weight when I’m hungry all the time!”

I know this struggle well, because this was me…

Not only was I hungry all the damn time but I also suffered from reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) - so to avoid that I was told to eat often “to keep my blood sugar level”.

This made it really hard to lose weight…

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What Is The Best Diet For Weight Loss?

I’m often asked, what is the best diet for weight loss...

I obviously talk a lot about the keto diet but does that necessarily mean that I think everybody needs to be keto? No, I actually don’t think there is any one diet that is right for everyone.

I do think that in today's carb-heavy world that most of us would benefit from lowering our carb intake...but not everyone needs to take it to keto levels to see results.

When trying to find the diet that's right for you, it ultimately comes down to finding the way to eat that doesn’t feel like a diet.

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Any Diet That Starts With Your Being Hungry Is Doomed To Fail

You want to lose weight so you do the usual things to try to make that happen which usually includes things like cutting calories and exercising more….

This might go ok for a little bit... sometimes a few months, other times a few weeks... sometimes you’re lucky if you can make it to noon.

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When Those Things That Used to Work In Your 20's No Longer Work...

Have you noticed that what used to work in your 20s no longer seems to cut it??

I personally never found weight loss easy - even back then, mainly because even when I lost weight I couldn’t manage to keep it off very long .

But once I hit about 37 weight loss felt like a whole new kinda hard...

All those things that used to work before no longer did...

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