Posts in Weight Loss
Any Diet That Starts With Your Being Hungry Is Doomed To Fail

You want to lose weight so you do the usual things to try to make that happen which usually includes things like cutting calories and exercising more….

This might go ok for a little bit... sometimes a few months, other times a few weeks... sometimes you’re lucky if you can make it to noon.

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When Those Things That Used to Work In Your 20's No Longer Work...

Have you noticed that what used to work in your 20s no longer seems to cut it??

I personally never found weight loss easy - even back then, mainly because even when I lost weight I couldn’t manage to keep it off very long .

But once I hit about 37 weight loss felt like a whole new kinda hard...

All those things that used to work before no longer did...

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Are You A Sugar Burner? Here’s How To Tell…

Our bodies are meant to be able to get energy from several different fuel sources - glucose, fat, ketones

But for many of us due to our carb heavy diets and sedentary lifestyles we’ve trained our bodies to rely on carbs/sugar as our primary energy source.

As a result our bodies have sort have forgotten how to use our body fat (or ketones) for energy. This happens when we have become insulin resistant

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Diet Insanity

What is that saying…the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result??

We tend to do that with weight loss for sure.

How many times have you tried to lose weight…and just like the last time you start cutting calories, trying to exist on salads, and literally try to work your ass off in the gym.

You might do ok for a few days, maybe a few weeks but sometimes we’re just lucky if we make it to noon….

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Don't Count Yourself Out Before You Even Start!

I had previously lost 50+ lbs and had managed to keep it off for a few years, but here I was gaining weight again. But the frustrating part was that I was still doing all those things that I had started doing to lose the weight last time. I was still “eating clean” and exercising 2-2 ½ hours a day. I could not for the life of me figure out what was going on!

I started to feel like I was broken – maybe just doomed to be overweight….

I knew I couldn’t eat less (I already struggled with hypoglycemia) and there weren’t enough hours in the day to exercise more and actually do things like have a job or sleep.

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