Stop Doing This If You Want Lasting Weight Loss

One of the biggest mistakes that I see women make when it comes to weight loss is eating too few calories…somewhere we got this idea into our heads that we need to be eating 1200 calories or less to be able to lose weight. And quite frankly that's bullshit!

1200 calories/day on a regular basis is just too low for most adults (see chart here)

Yes, you can lose weight that way…temporarily…

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Navigating The Holidays Without Going Off The Rails On Your Diet

But it really doesn’t have to be that way you can still enjoy the holidays without having all the wheels fall off.

It just takes slowing down a bit (another challenge this time of year?), a little mindfulness and thinking ahead. But you can still have your favorite treats without feeling like you have to dig yourself out of a hole come January 1st.

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“It's really hard to lose weight when I’m hungry all the time!”

“It's really hard to lose weight when I’m hungry all the time!”

I know this struggle well, because this was me…

Not only was I hungry all the damn time but I also suffered from reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) - so to avoid that I was told to eat often “to keep my blood sugar level”.

This made it really hard to lose weight…

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Weight Loss Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

If you’re trying to lose weight by cutting your calories you might be making it harder on yourself than it needs to be.

Continuing to lower and lower your calories isn't going to help you lose the weight long-term.

Sure you might see some weight loss initially, when you first start cutting calories but soon you hit that plateau - so you cut more to get that scale moving again…

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Kristen Duckett
"Everything In Moderation..."

I would love to never hear the phrase “everything in moderation” again….

For a lot of us that doesn’t always work and it really isn’t that simple.

Everything in moderation was the motto I used that helped me gain over 50 lbs. I was the queen of justification and could come up with any reason to have whatever it was that I wanted.

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Kristen DuckettComment
This Is Why Other Diets Have Failed You...

Focusing on calories in and calories out only gets you so far...and ultimately sets you up for failure.

If your diet requires you to weigh, measure, and track every bit that goes into your mouth and you keep having to drop your calories lower and lower to keep the scale moving…

If you have to push through hunger and cravings and rely on willpower just to get through the day…

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Kristen Duckett
What Is The Best Diet For Weight Loss?

I’m often asked, what is the best diet for weight loss...

I obviously talk a lot about the keto diet but does that necessarily mean that I think everybody needs to be keto? No, I actually don’t think there is any one diet that is right for everyone.

I do think that in today's carb-heavy world that most of us would benefit from lowering our carb intake...but not everyone needs to take it to keto levels to see results.

When trying to find the diet that's right for you, it ultimately comes down to finding the way to eat that doesn’t feel like a diet.

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Any Diet That Starts With Your Being Hungry Is Doomed To Fail

You want to lose weight so you do the usual things to try to make that happen which usually includes things like cutting calories and exercising more….

This might go ok for a little bit... sometimes a few months, other times a few weeks... sometimes you’re lucky if you can make it to noon.

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When Those Things That Used to Work In Your 20's No Longer Work...

Have you noticed that what used to work in your 20s no longer seems to cut it??

I personally never found weight loss easy - even back then, mainly because even when I lost weight I couldn’t manage to keep it off very long .

But once I hit about 37 weight loss felt like a whole new kinda hard...

All those things that used to work before no longer did...

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Are You A Sugar Burner? Here’s How To Tell…

Our bodies are meant to be able to get energy from several different fuel sources - glucose, fat, ketones

But for many of us due to our carb heavy diets and sedentary lifestyles we’ve trained our bodies to rely on carbs/sugar as our primary energy source.

As a result our bodies have sort have forgotten how to use our body fat (or ketones) for energy. This happens when we have become insulin resistant

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Tips For Eating Healthy Without Spending All Your Free Time In The Kitchen

I want to eat healthy but I don’t want to have to spend all my free time in the kitchen.

When I first started out, I was tired, like bone tired. Like any energy that I had went into just getting through the day kinda tired.

The last thing I wanted to do was have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking and meal prepping. Just the thought of adding one more thing to my plate at that point just felt like torture.

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